Taoist Yoga & Chi Kung

Do-in is part of Zen Shiatsu therapy from Japan and, like Traditional Chinese Medicine, is ultimately based in ancient Taoism. Do-in yoga combines meridian stretches and acupressure with yoga moves and postures. 
It aims to activate and support our body's self-healing ability.
Do-in helps release tension, rebalance and boost our energy level, immune system and core power. Through physical exercises as well as meditation, it relaxes body & mind, helps dissolve pain and stiffness, and brings mental and physical balance.
Typically a class consists of both yang and yin qualities, using movement and focus as well as stillness and relaxation.

The Taoist healing practice of chi kung cultivates our naturally available resources of energy (ki, qi or chi), and offers ways to guide this vital life force effectively through the body. 
As such it is an energetic training with profound physical and non-physical effects, harmonizing body, mind and emotions. Working with movement, posture and breath, it regulates a healthy inner flow of vital energy and gives special care to our vital organs.
Chi kung is part of an extensive holistic system from ancient China and is based on years of close study of nature and its self-regulating and regenerating ways. At its core lies the discovery of life force energy of which all forms are made and interconnected by within a cycle of infinite change, known as yin-yang & the 5 phases. Centuries later a similar notion was made by western science, stating that everything consists of energy. 
The Taoist findings led to the development of many ways to direct, balance and stimulate life force energy for our own health and vitality. 
Their vast legacy has contributed to numerous health systems such as tai chi, yogic fusion like yin, yang and do-in yoga, therapeutic approaches like osteopathy and Feldenkrais, and is also an important part of many martial arts.

The 5 Phases or Transformations

Elemental Flow blends in do-in yoga and healing chi kung, connecting you deeply to your body and natural flow. It is a mindful practice based on the meridian system, yoga and taoist health practices. 
The wisdom of the Tao is simple, profound, and universally applicable. 
Working with the regenerating flow of nature and her elements, it offers practical tools for health and balance.

Classes combine movement, meridian stretches, still posture, meditation, healing sounds, and self-massage.
You'll learn bio-energetic exercises that help detoxify and enhance flexibility, energy, relaxation and grounding.

Elemental Flow brings you in your core and nurtures your supply of vital life force. 
It gives a sense of inner space and effortlessness, and works with the natural movement of your unique body; your attention will be invited to your experience as it is, without judging, comparison and ¨having to change¨.

This establishes a deep sense of wholeness, connectedness and self-love.

Experience the power of softness and presence.

Elemental Flow is a training of Sarina Jaya and integrates her rich background and experience in meditation, yoga, chi kung, tai chi, massage and energetic bodywork. Its gentle approach is accessible for everybody.